by Susan Elford | Jul 10, 2019 | Family, Featured, Happiness, Highlight, Personal Leadership
How Revelations From a 13-year-old Can Spark Your Own Newfound Freedom “What if I bought you a bus pass and you could go anywhere you wanted?” I asked my youngest on the second day of summer holidays. (I gave her the first day of summer holidays to laze around and...
by Susan Elford | Apr 10, 2019 | Business, Career, Featured, Happiness, Highlight, Personal Leadership, Success
5 Ways You’re Holding Yourself Back, And What To Do About It “You’re putting a ceiling on our lives!” I exasperatedly said to my husband. “We just talked about this – how people inadvertently hold themselves back by unconsciously creating ways to keep themselves...
by Susan Elford | Sep 18, 2018 | Business, Career, Personal Leadership
How the Lean In Movement is Changing the Story of the Workplace I recently had the opportunity to attend an event that was absolutely mind-blowing, game-changing and altogether inspiring. It was the International Conference for Lean In Leaders from around the world,...
by Susan Elford | Mar 7, 2016 | Happiness, Personal Leadership, Work / Life Balance
Being bold can mean different things to different people. When I was growing up, being bold meant doing something completely out of the prescribed box. And what did my box look like? It meant good grades, going to school, getting a good job, marrying a nice boy, and...