Uplevel Your Business

Live CEO Days with Susan Elford

CEO Days are where you focus solely on tasks that move the needle forward. It’s a time to put your CEO hat on and work on the internal projects that will grow your business and help you hit your big goals. My CEO days go one step further because they are guided around three specific topics in a community environment so you get peer support and take away new skills while moving the needle!

June 14 th MT/June 15 NZT
No Travel Required!

Is this you?

  • You have a plan but it’s not working how you wanted it to (sigh.)
  • You have a plan but you put it on the shelf and haven’t looked at it since you wrote it! (so many hands up for this one!)
  • You have all the best intentions but can’t seen to get to the stuff that you know will really move your business forward (how do you work on the most important things when everything seems important?)
  • You don’t understand why it has to be so hard to move things forward (feels like you’re trudging uphill)
  • You had hoped you’d have more clients in the hopper by now but they’re just not showing up like you had hoped.
  • You like to set aside time for planning but never do it on your own (yawn, so boring by yourself)
  • You are growing and you can’t keep up with the pace of work and you need a plan to deal with that (high five! This is the right direction!)
  • Maybe something else….?
What am I not doing to grow my network?

Regardless of what’s true for you, it’s June, and it’s time to celebrate your wins and support your growth, regardless of what it looks like.

This leads me to the big question I have for you right now:

How are your 2024 plans coming along?

As business owners and modern CEOs we create plans, but sometimes things change. This is normal. I know I don’t have to tell you, because if there’s anything the past few years of taught us is that the best laid plans can mean nothing in the end.

But without a plan, your goal is just a wish, so I still believe in them.

No matter what is happening, I continue to take focused time, at least twice a year, to review and create my plans so I’m sure to be still doing the most important things, assigning resources appropriately and keeping my eye on what I’m creating for myself and for my business.

You are a solo business owner with competing priorities and sometimes you don’t know what to focus on first, second, or even third to move your business forward in a real way.

As busy solo business owners we have competing priorities and without proper structures in place knowing what to focus on first, to move your business forward can feel impossible.

That’s where the power of CEO Days come in.

Every quarter I host a half-day online virtual retreat for us to come together, get focused, make important decisions and dedicate time to the important elements that make a BIG difference in your business.

CEO Day attendees

Come join Susan, guest expert trainers and her community of committed business owners for some time away from the busyness of working IN your business, to work ON your business at a thoughtful, strategic level.


Friday, June 14, 2024 1pm-5pm MT

Saturday, June 15, 2024, 7am – 11am NZT

Let’s revisit the plans you made at the beginning of the year – and if you didn’t make any, there’s no time like the present! Let’s get into action with a few of your favourite business bestie’s and join me for my next CEO Day.

Let’s make our plans together, and then go after them!!!

It’s a day to step away from the busyness of working IN your business to work ON your business for one focused day so you can:

  • Take a step back and review your business progress to date
  • Tackle your 2024 Business Goals and see if they need adjusting
  • Design the second half of the year for success
  • Land on the key thing you need to put in place now, to reap the benefits later
  • What you NEED to do over the summer to ensure you don’t lose momentum
  • Make some smart business decisions to move your business forward
  • Make sure you’re re-inspired to work hard on the right things.
    Susan Elford in a garden with flowers

    Just $247 + GST

    And we’ll do it all in community because it’s just so much more fun and, well… inspired!


    What you’ll experience:

    Unforgettable moments, connect with your business tribe, gain the resources and support to propel your business forward in a way that works best for you!

    Real-Time Implementation

    Life-Changing Connections

    Marketing Clarity

    Lots of Laughs!

    Business Breakthroughs

    Reach your goals and watch your business grow!

    But don’t just take our word for it, take a look at these testimonials!

    Susan’s CEO Days give you the added assurance or toolsets (depending on the type of CEO day) to move the needle on your business results. Highly motivational and I loved meeting like-minded women.

    Erynn Johnson

    Creative Director and Chief Strategist , Centerpoint1st Digital Marketing

    Absolutely attend- you won’t regret it!! These days are gold for any CEO – to help build vision and inspire next steps forward. Susan has a real talent for getting you to dig deep into the reason you went into business in the first place to then inspire new growth in the areas you want to develop. I love the community of entrepreneurial women- it was refreshing to get perspective and input from many different industry leaders. The exercises and thought-provoking insights make this day a valuable brainstorming day for every CEO/entrepreneur ready to move to the next level.

    Jennifer Bunzenmeyer ND

    Naturopathic Doctor

    After working with Susan in her Accelerate! Mastermind program, which includes her incredible CEO days, my business and mindset is in a different place compared to when I started with her.  What’s more, my last two months have been the highest revenue I’ve made so best to keep doing what is working and I’ve re-enrolled for another session!

    Tracey Fields

    Clinical Social Worker, Owner, Quiet Pathways

    Before I attended Susan’s Align Your Next Year CEO Day, my biggest challenge was planning my time so that I was able to work in my business, with my clients, but also on my business so that I could grow it strategically. The CEO day really helped me identify those activities that I really needed to be doing to grow my business and then structure my time and energy so I could effectively do that work. I really enjoyed the tools and tips, as well as the community and connection.  Susan creates a really open and safe space to share, learn and experiment.

    It allowed me to think differently about how I spend my time, but also enabled me to think more strategically about how my business needs to grow.
    For me the results were very much about how I work.  That changed the way I interacted with my clients so I could be more present, which ultimately creates greater results.  It also enabled me to really embrace my CEO role in a whole new way.

    I think a CEO Day is such a great investment of time, and more importantly money.  You will learn, create new connections, expand your strategic abilities and have a lot of fun.

    Lindsay White, Calgary Alberta

    Founder and CEO of High Voltage Leadership

      Before you go…

      If there’s one thing I want you to remember, it’s this:

      Trust your gut!

      If you’ve read this far, I have a feeling my CEO Days are exactly what you are looking for to help you move forward and gain momentum. So don’t second guess yourself.

      If you’re worried you’re not ready yet or aren’t 100% convinced these CEO days are the perfect tool for you,  I say, take the leap. Especially with the great pricing offer currently available.

      If you want to make this your best year yet, you need these CEO days!

      So what are you waiting for?

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