Your Visibility Roadmap

Get focused. Gain traction.
Take your business to the next level,
without the overwhelm.

Feb 20th
From 1pm to 4pm MT

Feb 21st at 9am to 12pm NZT

I remind my clients all the time:
What got you here won’t get you there.

It is impossible for one person to know everything. You can’t do this alone. And that’s ok. Let’s be real, no one can do this solo.

There are so many visibility tools entrepreneurs can use right now – it’s down right overwhelming to know where to focus.

What is important: understanding where YOU want to go and how you’re going to get there. Once that is unwaveringly clear, your confidence to promote yourself comes much easier.

Queue the Visibility Roadmap!

A simple tool I created to give clients their very own guidance system, based on their values and goals. In other words, a map that is in 100% alignment with them on all levels and helps keep them moving in the right direction all year long. (Goodbye shiny distractions!)

I know sometimes it can be scary to wave your flag and say here I am…
What I know to be true, and have experienced for over 20 years now, is when you surround yourself with fellow ambitious women doing the same thing, following proven steps to connect with ideal clients – the fear melts away, and you begin to share your work with confidence.

Join me for three intimate hours in an interactive, hands-on workshop, surrounded by your new business besties to gain clarity on what you need to do next and exactly how to take action steps towards your next level of business success.

Here’s what’s waiting for you…

  • Pinpoint what’s getting in the way of you promoting yourself – and how IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT
  • Prepare your Visibility Roadmap for the next 12 months and a timeline to get you there
  • Meet entrepreneurs just like you and how they’ve made it happen – taking your energy to the next level
  • A glimpse into your Authentic Marketing Style and unleash the motivation to implement it!
  • Learn from special guest experts who dive into key areas of your Visibility Roadmap

No More Roadblocks!
It’s time for you to be known for YOUR brilliance

While this Masterclass is FREE to attend, it does require your investment of TIME. In order for you to receive maximum benefits you need to be all in.
So I ask for your 100% commitment. What that means? Attend LIVE – cameras ON – actively ENGAGE – SUPPORT each other – be ALL IN. Looking forward to seeing you there.

This is for you if:

  • Despite all your effort you simply don’t have enough time to do it all
  • All the latest changes in technology and marketing trends have you spinning in place and overwhelmed
  • You have some great clients, yet unsure how to best reach new potential clients and customers
  • Social media hasn’t worked for you and you’re ready to toss in the towel
  • You’ve downloaded free resources, follow the gurus yet you’re still not sure where to start or what to focus on

Meet Your Host

I’m Susan Elford.

Leadership Coach, Business Mentor & Community Leader.

Also: lover of big family gatherings, adventures, and the outdoors (definitely, the outdoors!)

I have a vision: A world filled with happy people – especially women – and I mean actually happy!

Where women are free from the old way (the shoulds), and define success by their own standards.

But I also understand that true authenticity and alignment is, well… hard.

When you’re ambitious and career-loving, outward success comes easy.

It’s not hard to work hard, to say the right things, and to get it done.

But it’s not necessarily going to make you happy. (Take it from someone who knows!)

That approach makes you successful on the outside.
But it also makes you disconnected from yourself, what you truly want, and your profound purpose in life.

I help my clients dive deep into their authentic selves and find the courage to live their truest life – at home and at work. And showing up differently – and more openly – in your career or business can be some of the hardest steps you’ll take. (What will “they” say? What if I open my mouth and they find out the truth?)

One big bold step I recently took, along with my family, was to sell our home of 18 years in Canada and move across the globe to New Zealand for a time. Working and living on the South Island of New Zealand – with my adult daughters and husband – has taken courage I never thought possible. I want to be sure I’m choosing what’s right for us now; not what worked 20 years ago.

Now that you’re ready to live a courageously aligned life, it’s time to break out of this “success persona” and reinspire yourself by letting THE REAL YOU run the show! Let’s do this!

Plus Expert Guests!

Stacey Watts

Social Media Expert

Lori Young

Nail Your Offer Expert

Colleen Davis

Brand Magic Expert

This isn’t one of those sit and watch the slides go across your screen events.

You are going to construct your Visibility Roadmap while we weave in some very special, and carefully crafted, Moments of Inspiration and Expert Segments.

Fellow womenpreneurs have put the Visibility Roadmap to the test and you’ll hear all about what they’ve created and how they made it happen on their terms.

These industry experts are stopping by to share their hottest tips to keep moving forward with your, uniquely created, Visibility Roadmap.

And don’t forget the laughs. We can’t take ourselves too seriously these days, can we? (This is your warning, your tummy may be sore the next day… but hey, count it as ab day!)

I’ve designed this Masterclass to provide coaches, experts and entrepreneurs a simple tool to confidently lead positive change and get paid well, too. While having a good time in great company!

What big adventure will you have in 2024?  Let’s create your unique map to get there!

You don’t have to do this alone

You don’t have to be a talented marketer to be successful.

What you have to be is authentic to yourself and your gifts.

You have to be dialed into the impact you’ve been put on this world to make and to serve the people you most want to serve.

What impact will you want to make this year?

Let’s go do that! It IS possible.

Elevate Your Efforts
Craft a personalized road map to your next level success

Feb 20th
From 3pm to 6pm ET

We will be sending the recording via email to those that register.

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